Easily Conquer Label Printing Challenges with the All New TH DH Series Desktop Barcode Printer
Smart Card Reader: security and reliability for authentication and data management. Explore our range of readers for every need!
Contactless RFID and NFC Card Reader for Electronic Identity Card and Health Card
Compatible with contact-type smart / SIM cards Ideal for transactions and applications that require secure information exchange
This device is a handy USB 2.0 Smart Card reader useful for applications such as sending encrypted digital signatures of Electronic Identity Cards (CIE) and Health Cards (CRS / TS-CNS) and more.
Lettore di Smart Card USB2.0 per invio firma digitale crittografata Specifico per CNS/CIE e CRS (livello 1.0 e 2.0), per le smartcard più diffuse in Italia (firma digitale di Infocamere ed altre Autorità di Certificazione, Carta d'Identità Elettronica, Carta Nazionale dei Servizi, Tessera Sanitaria, ecc.) Conforme alle specifiche ISO 7816-