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OLIVETTI | CUSTOM | EPSON | RCH | DITRON | to manage your point of sale , if you are going to open a store here you will find the right cash register for your needs !
Dgfe Electronic Background Journal For Cash Registers | Custom | Olivetti | Epson | Ditron | Rch | only for the Italian market
Per il tuo negozio tanti modelli di registratori di cassa, per ogni esigenza e fornite gia fiscalizzate e pronte per l'uso
Drawers For Cash Registers | Epson | Custom | Rch | Ditron | Olivetti |
Accessories and Spare Parts For Cash Registers | Dgfe | Serial Cables | Thermal Rolls | Power Supplies | Displays | Memories | Batteries | Lottery Upgrades | Keyboards | Wifi Modules | Drawers |
On-center technical assistance for cash registers: fast, reliable and professional. Keep your business up and running with our support
Lottery Ticket Updates For Cash Registers And Fiscal Printers | Custom | Epson | Rch | Ditron | Olivetti |
The »CashPlus« variant is a robust and reliable cash drawer for all applications in demanding everyday cashier work.
The E3000 Series from APG consists of cash drawers for high capacity needs in retail, hospitality, pharmacies and even gas stations
Money drawer 31x31x10cm, white colour, metal structure, manual with key equipped with 8 compartments, removable coins. Standard RJ connector
The cash drawers from ECD for retail and hospitality are made of robust steel for a long service life and feature high-quality workmanship.
Tablet POS systems and other »non-traditional« checkouts are becoming ever more popular.
Removable insert with 8 coin and 4 banknote compartments Fully extendible ball-bearing telescopic slides for smooth, long-term use
Robust, compact cash drawers with large capacities Long-wearing steel design with ball-bearing telescopic slides
The insert can accommodate 5 notes and 8 coins, the angled note compartments offer easy access to speed up transactions.
THE SMALLEST DRAWER IN THE SERIES! Metal change-giver drawer, plastic sliding Electric opening
Removable plastic basket with metal lid Electric and manual opening with key MICROSWITCH programmable bill dividers
Leads for the electrical connection of the cash drawer to any type of connection of the cash register
Cash drawer in metal, plastic inserts holder banknotes and coins removable door-opening electric and manual key