CASHMATIC SELFPAY - Ideal for any type of retail business


Selfpay is more than an automated teller machine: it's the solution to your problems

Today's is a story that belongs to many, probably including you. Yes, because anyone who has been on the other side of the counter, serving a customer--either as an employee or as a business owner--can confirm the following. In the bakery, at the baker's, at the butcher's shop... you often see faces a tad contrite due to the sometimes direct transition between food and cash. An action that for many translates into a lack of hygiene, and it is precisely this that is one of the main brakes, which could lead a type of clientele, very demanding, to opt for different solutions: such as going to another store where, perhaps there is an employee who is dedicated solely to the cash register and therefore does not create that circle between money and food. This whole fear of hygiene has always existed, even from before the recent social and health events.

Cashmatic knows the real problems of running a business

The truth is another: when running a commercial business, the problem of hygiene is probably among the last on the list. Yes, it's true that, since a little over a year ago, hygiene has seen a sharp uptick in terms of interest, and we are all familiar with the causes by now, but what about the problems that retailers face constantly and all along? We are talking about cash management problems, shrinkage and security. These, unfortunately, are not the only problems faced by those running a business. In fact, we often don't think about it, but when you have the responsibility of a business to run, the time to devote to everything else decreases dramatically.

These are not issues unfamiliar to you, are they? Don't worry, neither are we. Cashmatic is a company that was born precisely from those who, like you, have struggled with these kinds of problems for years. It is from experience that Cashmatic has come up with the solution: Selfpay, the family of cash drawers.Just like a real family, Cashmatic's Selfpay Family consists of multiple components ready to respond to economic and performance needs; to solve retailers' problems by adapting to every type of cash point.

Having a Slefpay in-house means drastically reducing the problem of cash shortages that so plagues all retailers, but not only. Selfpay machines are the No. 1 repellent against robbery: the steel cover makes them a very powerful and secure tool for your cash-out. So much so, that the drawer cannot even be opened by the operator. A further guarantee of the security of these machines, comes from their automatic counterfeit money detection capability.

A Selfpay machine streamlines cash point management by eliminating the counting operations of opening and closing cash and changing the operator. In fact, they are automatic cash machines with automatic money management, interaction with the most popular management software, account balances and one-click closing of accounts that facilitate the actual management of your cash point. Finally, with the Selfpay family, Cashmatic has succeeded in the impossible: giving you more time to spend with those you love and what you want. Solving a problem of this magnitude is no small feat, don't you think? Probably, you are wondering how this is possible, the answer is very simple: remote control. Through your smartphone, tablet or pc you can control your Selfpay checkout at any time and from any distance. Remote control is definitely one of the strengths of the Selfpay family and all Cashmatic products; which in this way, provide full control over operations.

The components of the Selfpay Family

The Selfpay family consists of 3 machines: Selfpay 460, Selfpay 660, Selfpay 1060, and according to their specific features they are ready to meet the different needs of retailers, fully adapting to the target business.

The 460 is the smallest size machine on the market; this feature makes it unique. It is capable of handling, in acceptance and disbursement, every type of coin and banknote except 1-cent coins. Payment speed: up to 4 payments/min

Flow management capacity:

Flow management capacity: up to 15 thousand euros Self-powered cash fund capacity: 70 banknotes 1500 euros coins

Selfpay 660 - The most versatile The 660 is the intermediate machine in the Selfpay group. This machine can handle 6 customers per minute. It is a machine suitable for the most demanding cash points because it still maintains a small size that allows easy installation. Payment speed: up to 6 payments/min Flow handling capacity:

fino a 15 mila euro Capacità di fondo cassa autoalimentato: 110 banconote 1500 euro monete

Selfpay 1060 - The fastest in collection operations and return of change. The 1060 is the fastest machine on the market: it can handle up to more than 10 customers per minute. It features single bill acceptance, but unlike other Selfpay machines, 1060 has the ability to dispense change by giving more than one bill at a time. 1060 is the only one on the market that can

dispense change even with €50 bills. In addition, this machine has a very large cash fund capacity, making it suitable for all businesses, even the most demanding ones.

Payment speed: up to 10 payments/min Flow management capacity: up to 15 thousand euros

Self-powered cash fund capacity: 180 banknotes 1500 euro coins

Tag: Selfpay
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